Do You Have the Perseverance to Prevail?

The year is 1830. Your expedition through the Rockies was succeeding until the Colorado River ravaged your crew. 
Now you must press on to the FortAll that stands in your way is a vast and haunted wilderness

Immense Character Customization

Choose one of several characters, then specialize in dozens of skills and traits. Decide what kind of Pioneer you are and grow in power as you gain Insight.Glacier melting is a clear sign of climate change.

Navigate a Sprawling Wilderness

North, South, East, or West?
Explore dynamic areas that 
bestow benefits or inflict harm.
Wise explorers scout ahead or craft
rope to prevent ill from coming to them.

A New Backwoods Expansion Is Coming To Kickstarter Soon. Become An Insider!

Fight for Your Life

Prepare to face vicious beasts
in a cursed wilderness where
threats from natural and supernatural forces
stalk you while you try to
complete objectives and get to the Fort.

You Don't Have to Go Alone

Are you a maverick or a team player?
Backwoods offers stunning solo play, or
cooperation between 2-4 players with
high player interaction.
Want some company?
Bring an animal companion
Prefer to be alone?
Take the
Flintlock Pistol along instead.

Test Your Survival Skills

In Backwoods, you’ll forage, craft,
and fight off hypothermia
Each play is rife with tough decisions,
divergent story events,
and triumphant moments.
Do you have what it takes to
brave the Backwoods?


Follow To Get Backwoods And The Gold Rush Expansion Coming To Kickstarter.

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